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Parsing SSH Logs with Grafana Loki

· 10 min read
Open-source enthusiast

Parsing SSH Logs with Grafana Loki

Do you want to see who is accessing your server through SSH or trying some malicious attempt on SSH? Then you visited the right blog post.

What do you need?DescriptionAnsible Role for Deployment
GrafanaGrafana is an open-source interactive data-visualization platformAnsible Grafana Role in Grafana Collection
Grafana LokiLog aggregation system inspired by PrometheusAnsible Loki Role in Grafana Collection
Grafana PromtailPromtail is an agent which ships the contents of local logs to a private LokiAnsible Promtail Role in Grafana Collection
Alertmanager (optional)The Alertmanager handles alerts sent by client applications such as the Prometheus server or Loki server.Alertmanager
Tested onDescription
RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 and 9It should work on other RedHat Family systems as well
Grafana 9.2.7+Tested with Grafana version
SyslogFacility AUTHPRIVsshd_config parameter
LogLevel INFOsshd_config parameter
/var/log/secureConsumed log

The post is not about Grafana, Loki, Promtail deployment, or how to harden the SSH server and your server in general. The focus is to create a LogQL query for the most important information generated by sshd. Quick explanation for some LogQL queries used in SSH Log Dashboard. SSH alerting rule example for Alertmanager.

Dashboard preview

Dashboard Preview total stats 1

Dashboard Preview total stats

Dashboard Features

Dashboard panels filter data based on dashboard interval ( e.g you select 24h ).

Panel titlePanel typeDescription
Total Opened ConnectionStatsum of all opened sessions through SSH
Total Failed ConnectionStatsum of all Failed SSH attempts
Total Failed Unique IPStatsum of all unique IPs for a failed SSH attempt
SSH Log LinesStatcalculate the number of lines for SSH entries
SSH Log bytesStatcalculate log size for SSH entries
Session opened by userPie Chartuser list which opened the SSH session
Failed attempt by userPie Chartuser list with failed SSH attempt
Session opened by unique IPTableList of unique IPs which successfully opened SSH session
Failed by unique IPTableList of unique IPs which made failed SSH attempt
SSH Recent logLogsAll SSH log entries for selected dashboard interval
Session opened by user and IPTableSSH Session opened in table format (time, instance, username, ip)
Session opened by userTableSSH Session opened in table format (time, instance, username)
SSH Failure by user and IPTableSSH Failed attempt in table format (time, instance, username, ip)
SSH Failure by userTableSSH Failed attempt in table format (time, instance, username)

Why is it hard to parse SSH log entries?

Log entries generated by SSH Daemon are not structured like json. This increased complexity and also it takes more time to create a dashboard. It is required to analyze extracted lines and test value extraction. It is more complex than json structured log but still possible.For a simple comparison, I like the NGINX log. You can define your own pattern and also configure the log to be in json format. This means dashboard creation with json formatted log is easier and faster ( if json structure is consistent ). Anyway, I decided that I want to have a dashboard for SSH.

Promtail configuration

http_listen_port: 9080 #Promtail listen port
grpc_listen_port: 0

filename: /tmp/positions.yaml

- url: #Loki target instance

scrape_configs: #The most important part
- job_name: system
- targets:
- localhost #Promtail target is localhost
instance: #Label identifier for instance (hostname -f)
env: voidquark #Environment label
job: secure #Job label
__path__: /var/log/secure

In Prometheus monitoring is common to have instance and job label. It is recommended to use some meaningful labels. It helps you with targeting and parsing logs for specific job ( multiple instances at once for the same log ) or simply use specific instance for parsing.

Dashboard labels

Dashboard use job and instance labels in queries and also as variables. I recommended setting these labels in the Promtail configuration.

It is also possible to choose an additional label set.

Labels Selector ( additional label set )

  1. Label Name - All labels recognized by Loki ( In my case I select env label name )
  2. Label Value - All available values for selected label name ( In my case I selected voidquark as a label value. You can see this pair in Promtail config. )

SSH Log parsing

Loki supports multiple ways to extract data from logs. I do not want to describe each method because it is well documented on official documentation.

The most important:

Log pipeline (parser)Description
jsonExtract json properties as label
patternExplicit extraction of fields from log lines by defining a pattern expression
regexpRegular expression ( self-explanatory )
logfmtExtract all keys and values from the logfmt formatted log line.

Total Opened Connection - Panel

Panel type: Stat


sum by(instance) (count_over_time({$label_name=~"$label_value", job=~"$job", instance=~"$instance"}
|=": session opened for"
| __error__="" [$__interval]))

The above query matches the following line:

Nov 24 09:25:44 nginx sshd[27515]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user myuser(uid=3200) by (uid=0)

I'm interested in who opened the session through ssh. So first I apply a filter to only get lines that contain sshd[ and then search for lines with : session opened for. Count over time converts the result into metric and therefore is important to filter out potential errors with __error__="". Metrics query cannot contain any error! This ensures that our query will not fail if there is any error. Finally, sum the result per instance.

In the dashboard is applied total calculation to sum all returned metrics. This provides results with all sessions opened per instance during the selected intervals. void_ssh_total_opened_connection_panel_01

Failed Attempt by User - Panel


This panel contains two queries to ensure that we catch failed attempts for valid and not valid users. Both queries have different patterns for user extraction. This extraction capture username that contains a user as a value.

  • Panel query number 1
sum by (username) (count_over_time({$label_name=~"$label_value", job=~"$job", instance=~"$instance"}
|~": Invalid|: Connection closed by authenticating user|: Failed .* user"
| pattern `<_> user <username> <_> port`
| __error__="" [$__interval]))

The above query matches the following lines:

Nov 21 11:02:27 nginx sshd[24716]: Failed password for invalid user root1 from port 43518 ssh2
Nov 21 11:02:24 nginx sshd[24716]: Invalid user root1 from port 43518
Nov 21 10:49:29 nginx sshd[24690]: Connection closed by authenticating user root port 50516 [preauth]
Filter orderFilterDescription
1|="sshd["Match each line that contains exactly sshd[
2|~": Invalid|: Connection closed by authenticating user|: Failed .* user"Match regular expression : Invalid OR : Connection closed by authenticating user OR : Failed .* user
3pattern <_> user <username> <_> portExtract username from filtered lines
4__error__=""Filter our potential errors
  • Panel query number 2
sum by (username) (count_over_time({$label_name=~"$label_value", job=~"$job", instance=~"$instance"}
|=": Failed"
!~"invalid user"
| pattern `<_> for <username> from <_> port`
| __error__="" [$__interval]))

The above query matches the following line:

Nov 21 10:49:18 nginx sshd[24690]: Failed password for root from port 50516 ssh2
Filter orderFilterDescription
1|="sshd["Match each line that contains exactly sshd[
2|=": Failed"Match each line that contains exactly : Failed
3!~"invalid user"Ignore each line that contains a regular expression invalid user
4pattern <_> for <username> from <_> portExtract username from filtered lines
5__error__=""Filter our potential errors

Join by labels ensure that we join labels from both queries into one result: void_ssh_failed_by_user_panel_transform

Panel configuration also contains total calculation to ensure that we know all attempts by username. void_ssh_failed_by_user_panel_01

Two examples with an explanation should be enough to understand how these two panels work. Similar logic is applied to other panels. Now is the time to create alerting rule.

Alerting rule for SSH attempt

Once the logs are in Loki and Dashboard is created. It is important to also have some alerting rules.

Keep in mind that the following labels from promtail (job, instance) are recommended.

  • Alert rule expression
count_over_time({job=~"secure"} |="sshd[" |~": Failed|: Invalid|: Connection closed by authenticating user" | __error__="" [15m]) > 15
  • Alert definition for Alertmanager
  - alert: SshLoginFailed
expr: |
count_over_time({job=~"secure"} |="sshd[" |~": Failed|: Invalid|: Connection closed by authenticating user" | __error__="" [15m]) > 15
for: 0m
severity: critical
summary: "SSH authentication failure (instance {{ $labels.instance }})"
description: "Increase of SSH authentication failures in the last 15 minutes\n VALUE = {{ $value }}"
  • Loki config part for external Alertmanager configuration. In my example, I run Alertmanager instance on Official documentation for ruler configuration
# Config part from loki.conf
type: local
directory: /var/lib/loki/rules
rule_path: /var/lib/loki/rules_tmp
alertmanager_url: # Alertmanager Instance
store: inmemory
enable_api: true
enable_alertmanager_v2: true

This trigger alert if there was more than 15 failed ssh authentication attempt in the last 15 minutes.

Example how telegram notification can look like: void_ssh_alert

Source code available for everyone

There is always a way to improve this dashboard. Feel free to change it. I think it should cover some common attempts. You can also contribute to the git repository 😊.


Securing SSH is your responsibility. Strongly consider keeping SSH access private and avoid exposing it to the public.

Did I cover everything?

Nope, but an important SSH log result is extracted and available in the dashboard. It would be nice to have the possibility to generate all possible SSH log entries as this speed up query optimization. I did not find a tool that can accomplish that. I still think that improvement can be made based on fail2ban filter from /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/sshd.conf.

I would also like to mention 📢 that this dashboard is designed for viewing details of a single instance. If you are looking for a dashboard that can display all instances at once, please refer to Global SSh Logs View with Loki.