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Parsing SUDO Logs with Grafana Loki

· 10 min read
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Parsing SUDO Logs with Grafana Loki

Are you interested in monitoring who executes SUDO commands on your system? This guide provides insights into tracking both accepted and rejected SUDO events, along with alerting rules to notify you of any rejected SUDO events.

What do you need?DescriptionAnsible Role for Deployment
GrafanaGrafana is an open-source interactive data-visualization platformAnsible Grafana Collection
Grafana LokiLog aggregation system inspired by PrometheusAnsible Loki Role
Grafana PromtailPromtail is an agent which ships the contents of local logs to a private LokiAnsible Promtail Role
Alertmanager (optional)The Alertmanager handles alerts sent by client applications such as the Prometheus server or Loki server.Alertmanager

Tested Environments:

Tested onDescription
RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9.3+Should work on other RedHat compatible systems with sudo package v1.9.4 and higher.
Grafana 10.4.0+Tested with Grafana version
/var/log/secureConsumed log

The primary focus of this blog is to guide you on configuring JSON logging for SUDO events on your Linux system, demonstrate the data extraction process used in this dashboard, and provide an example alerting rule.

Dashboard Features

SUDO Dashboard Preview 1

SUDO Dashboard Preview 2

SUDO Dashboard Preview 3

Let me list all panels with short description which are present in the dashboard:

Panel titlePanel typeDescription
Total Accepted SUDO EventsStatSum of all accepted sudo events on the host.
Total Rejected SUDO EventsStatSum of all rejected sudo events on the host.
SUDO Log LinesStatNumber of lines for sudo JSON entries from /var/log/secure
SUDO Log in bytesStatLog size for sudo JSON entries from /var/log/secure
Accepted SUDO Events by UserPie ChartList of users for whom sudo events were accepted
Rejected SUDO Events by UserPie ChartList of users for whom sudo events were rejected
SUDO Recent LogLogsDisplays all accepted and rejected sudo events from the host
Accepted SUDO Events DetailsTableDetailed information about accepted sudo events in a table format
Top 10 Accepted SUDO Events by User and CommandTableTable showing the top 10 accepted sudo events by user and command
Rejected SUDO Events DetailsTableDetailed information about rejected sudo events in a table format
Top 10 Rejected SUDO Events by User and CommandTableTable displaying the top 10 rejected sudo events by user and command

SUDO JSON Logging Configuration

Switching from classic logging to JSON logging for SUDO commands is straightforward, requiring the sudo package version 1.9.4 or higher. To check your sudo version, simply run sudo --version. To enable JSON logging, open the configuration with visudo and add the following line:

Defaults    log_format = json

Here's what the old or classic default logging looks like, which lacks clear differentiation between accepted and rejected messages:

Rejected SUDO Event in default format
Oct 17 13:07:36 sudo[616740]: jellyfin : user NOT in sudoers ; TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/jellyfin ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/cat /etc/passwd
Accepted SUDO Event in default format
Oct 17 13:14:35 sudo[617129]: testuser : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/testuser ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/cat /etc/shadow

JSON logging, on the other hand, provides more structured information. You can identify rejected events with reject and accepted events with accept. Below are the same messages as above, but with different timestamps and in JSON format:

Rejected SUDO Event in JSON format
Oct 17 13:16:41 sudo[617287]: @cee:{"sudo":{"reject":{"reason":"user NOT in sudoers","server_time":{"seconds":1697541401,"nanoseconds":826049301,"iso8601":"20231017111641Z","localtime":"Oct 17 11:16:41"},"submit_time":{"seconds":1697541398,"nanoseconds":435402496,"iso8601":"20231017111638Z","localtime":"Oct 17 11:16:38"},"submituser":"jellyfin","command":"/bin/cat","runuser":"root","runcwd":"/home/jellyfin","ttyname":"/dev/pts/0","submithost":"","submitcwd":"/home/jellyfin","runuid":0,"columns":238,"lines":55,"runargv":["cat","/etc/passwd"],"runenv":["HISTSIZE=1000","","LANG=en_US.UTF-8","TERM=xterm-256color","MAIL=/var/spool/mail/jellyfin","PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin","LOGNAME=root","USER=root","HOME=/root","SHELL=/bin/bash","SUDO_COMMAND=/bin/cat /etc/passwd","SUDO_USER=jellyfin","SUDO_UID=1011","SUDO_GID=1011"]}}}
Accepted SUDO Event in JSON format
Oct 17 13:15:26 sudo[617190]: @cee:{"sudo":{"accept":{"server_time":{"seconds":1697541326,"nanoseconds":740715703,"iso8601":"20231017111526Z","localtime":"Oct 17 11:15:26"},"submit_time":{"seconds":1697541326,"nanoseconds":667402335,"iso8601":"20231017111526Z","localtime":"Oct 17 11:15:26"},"submituser":"testuser","command":"/bin/cat","runuser":"root","runcwd":"/home/testuser","ttyname":"/dev/pts/0","submithost":"","submitcwd":"/home/testuser","runuid":0,"columns":238,"lines":55,"runargv":["cat","/etc/shadow"],"runenv":["HISTSIZE=1000","","LANG=en_US.UTF-8","TERM=xterm-256color","MAIL=/var/spool/mail/testuser","PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin","LOGNAME=root","USER=root","HOME=/root","SHELL=/bin/bash","SUDO_COMMAND=/bin/cat /etc/shadow","SUDO_USER=testuser","SUDO_UID=1022","SUDO_GID=1022"]}}}

JSON logging offers a more structured and informative format, making it easier to extract and categorize accepted and rejected events. This is a significant advantage, as the old format lacks clarity when it comes to identifying rejected events. Therefore, using new JSON logging for Loki provides a more efficient way to access and understand this data.

Promtail Configuration

For Promtail configuration details, you can refer to my SSH Log parsing blog post - Promtail Configuration. The same configuration can be used for this dashboard.

Dashboard Labels

This dashboard employs the same set of labels as discussed in my SSH Log parsing blog post - Dashboard labels. I recommend reading this part for a comprehensive explanation of these labels.

Total Accepted SUDO Events - Stat Panel

Total Accepted SUDO Events by User

This panel provides the total count of accepted SUDO events over time. For a clearer understanding, please refer to the previous JSON log example titled "Accepted SUDO Event in JSON format", as this specific log line is parsed by below logQL:

count_over_time({$label_name=~"$label_value", job=~"$job", instance=~"$instance"}
| pattern `<_> sudo[<_>]<_> <_>:<sudo_json_message>`
| line_format"{{ .sudo_json_message }}"
| json
| sudo_json_message=~".+{\"accept\":{.*"
| __error__="" [$__range])

So let me explain:

  1. {$label_name=~"$label_value", job=~"$job", instance=~"$instance"} - Filters the lines based on label criteria.
  2. |="sshd[" - Filters lines containing sudo[.
  3. | pattern '<_> sudo[<_>]<_> <_>:<sudo_json_message>' - Since the entire line does not consist solely of JSON data, but is combined with a standard log format, I need to first capture and extract this JSON portion into a separate label named sudo_json_message. Without this step, the JSON extraction process would encounter issues.
  4. | line_format"{{ .sudo_json_message }}" - The query then formats each line to retain only the JSON portion.
  5. | json - JSON parsing is applied to these formatted lines to extract the structured data.
  6. | sudo_json_message=~".+{\"accept\":{.*" - Query filters for JSON messages that contain "accept" SUDO events.
  7. __error__="" - Metrics should not contain any error so I will filter out any formatting or parsing errors.
  8. count_over_time(<expr> [$__range]) - Counts the values within the specified time range.

I'm utilizing [$__range] instead of [$__interval] because my objective is to obtain a single, final number that represents the total accepted SUDO events. In order to achieve this, I apply a total calculation and set the type to be instant.


If you're wondering why I've opted for range over interval, I recommend checking out this resource for a more detailed explanation: How to run faster Loki metric queries with more accurate results.

SUDO Recent Log - Log Panel

As you are already aware, sudo JSON logging provides two scenarios: accept and reject. In this context, I've created two separate queries, each with a custom line_format that includes emojis to simplify log lines and display essential information at a glance.

Here's an example result:

Result Example with Accepted and Rejected SUDO Events
2023-10-17 12:21:38.942	🚫 user NOT in sudoers 👤 privatebin 📂 /home/privatebin 🎯 root 🖥️ ["cat","/etc/shadow"]
2023-10-17 12:18:28.431 🚫 user NOT in sudoers 👤 jellyfin 📂 /home/jellyfin 🎯 root 🖥️ ["cat","/etc/passwd"]
2023-10-17 12:18:08.626 🚫 user NOT in sudoers 👤 jellyfin 📂 /home/jellyfin 🎯 root 🖥️ ["/bin/bash"]
2023-10-17 12:16:58.687 👤 testuser 📂 /home/testuser 🎯 root 🖥️ ["/bin/bash"]
2023-10-17 12:03:01.452 👤 testuser 📂 /home/testuser 🎯 root 🖥️ ["cat","/etc/shadow"]
2023-10-17 12:02:48.414 👤 testuser 📂 /home/testuser 🎯 root 🖥️ ["-bash"]
Accepted Query Custom Line Format
{$label_name=~"$label_value", job=~"$job", instance=~"$instance"}
| pattern `<_> sudo[<_>]<_> <_>:<sudo_json_message>`
| line_format"{{ .sudo_json_message }}"
| json
| sudo_json_message=~".+{\"accept\":{.*"
| json runargv="sudo.accept.runargv"
| line_format"👤 {{ .sudo_accept_submituser }} 📂 {{ .sudo_accept_submitcwd }} 🎯 {{ .sudo_accept_runuser }} 🖥️ {{ .runargv }}"
| __error__=""

As shown in the example above, the extraction process is much like what we’ve discussed before. I use the | json filter on sudo_json_message to pick out important details, like the source user submituser and target user runuser. This usually works well. However, in this case, I need to get data from JSON Arrays, which the basic | json filter can’t handle. To handle this, I use | json runargv="sudo.reject.runargv" for rejected events and | json runargv="sudo.accept.runargv" for accepted events. This allows me to grab the whole runargv command, which can have multiple parts, especially for complex commands with lots of arguments. Finally, I utilize line_format, where I consistently place an emoji first, followed by specific extracted labels.

Further details on the emojis:

🚫Represents the reason for rejection
👤Source user who triggered the SUDO event
📂Source user PWD
🎯Target User
🖥️Sudo Command

Alerting Rule for SUDO Attempts

Here is an example alert for rejected SUDO events:

  - alert: SudoRejectEvent
expr: |
sum by(instance) (count_over_time({job=~"secure"} |="sudo[" | pattern `<_> sudo[<_>]<_> <_>:<sudo_json_message>` | line_format"{{ .sudo_json_message }}" | json | sudo_json_message=~".+{\"reject\":{.*" | __error__="" [15m])) > 3
for: 0m
severity: critical
summary: "Increased SUDO Reject Failures (instance {{ $labels.instance }})"
description: "SUDO reject rate has increased in the last 15 minutes. Rejected events = {{ $value }}"

This alert triggers when your instance encounters more than 3 SUDO reject events in the last 15 minutes.

Firing SUDO Alert in Telegram
FIRING ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️  1

TITLE: SudoRejectEvent
Alert: Increased SUDO Reject Failures (instance - critical
Description: Sudo reject rate has increased in the last 15 minutes. Rejected events = 4
. alertname: SudoRejectEvent
. instance:
. severity: critical

Regarding ruler example configuration for Loki you can check Alerting rule for SSH Attempt.

Other alerts can be created based on your specific requirements and monitoring goals. Here are a couple of additional alert ideas:

  • High rate of accepted SUDO events in a short time
  • SUDO commands executed by non-standard users
  • High rate of rejected SUDO events in a short time, grouped by users

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Thanks for reading. I'm entering the void. 🛸 ➡️ 🕳️